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Friday, 3 August 2007

2000 teddies to cheer up Malawi kids

AN army of teddy bears is on its way to cheer up the children of Malawi.

Kind-hearted delegates at a conference in Glasgow handed in 2000 cuddly toys when the women's charity group arrived in the city.

Glasgow Lord Provost Bob Winter will arrange for them to be shipped to Aids orphanages and children's hospitals in Malawi' capital, Lilongwe, and Blantyre.

The teddies were donated by 1500 delegates attending the Soroptimist International convention at the SECC.

President Lynn Dunning said: "We want to offer these teddy bears as a gift of peace to the children in the underdeveloped country of Malawi.

"They are a symbol of our thousands of projects worldwide where we are working with children of many nations."

Mr Winter thanked the delegates and said: "I am delighted to receive these teddy bears on behalf of the children of Malawi who have so very little by way of personal possessions and toys."

Soroptimist International is a worldwide organisation for professional women dedicated to helping advance human rights and the status of women.

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