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Saturday 12 January 2008

Beautiful Malawi

Have you ever had hard times to decide where to go for holiday??.. This will help you to know! The answer is Lake Malawi. Nkhata Bay near to Mzuzu is probably the best option for it. It is at the most northerly point on the Lake. There is really good hotel called Mayoka Village where is lovely staff, good food and cheap prices.. Every night some special program, Malawian live music, dance.. Barbeque. That is wonderful place to spend vacation.
Fresh water, most beautiful tropical fish.. You can do so much there--> Village walk, kayaking, boat tripes, scuba diving, etc.

Malawi is also really good place to feel the real Africa.. Take minibus from the town and go to village.. See mudhuts, cornfields, tribes..
You can also go to National parks. Nyika national park (near to Mzuzu) is one of them..
Or go to safaris (see more from See ciraffes, hyenas, zepras, hippos, crocodiles..
Spend some time with local people, learn to dance as they (they really know how to do it), learn to play famous bean- game.

And Blantyre.. There is many hotels and you can choose the best! There is also really good restaurants where you can find eastern food (like burgers with good chicken breast) if malawian traditional nsima made from the corn is too much for you.

We can't forget Mulanje- mountain near to Blantyre which is 3 kilometers high! It's beautiful and if you look really closely, you can see some people that are actually living in the mountain.. :D That's scary because they are not in their mudhuts, but in the caves.

And lots of good fruits.. Fresh mangos, bananas, pineapples. SO TASTY! You just love all those cheap fruits and that is one the reasons you would like to go there back many times!

And you can also get beautiful handicraft from the market places! Bracelets, necklace, earrings, rings.. All made from the wood or seeds. Woodcarvings like elephant, ciraffe, lion.. All african stuff.. Paintings with beautiful colors, handmade books.. Whatever you can just imagine you can find there! :D

Lovely nations, friendly peoples.. Think how good tan you can get out there?? It is hot, but not too hot.. Atleast if you go there between September and March. :D

What else do you want?? Take a plane and GO!!

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