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Tuesday 16 September 2008

Harry nuts about fairtrade venture

Comedian Harry Hill launched his own fairtrade food venture on Tuesday and joked: "This is the closest I'll get to being Paul Newman."

The 43-year-old TV Burp host flew out to meet nut farmers in Malawi after being inspired by the success of the Hollywood actor's Newman's Own salad dressing.

Hill, who will not make any money from the enterprise, told how he hopes his salted peanuts will become a household name and benefit thousands of families in Africa.

Speaking at a reception at London Zoo, Hill, a former hospital doctor, said: "It would be great if it could take off like Paul Newman's salad dressing.

"Every penny possible is going to support fairtrade peanut farmers and their communities like the one I recently visited in Mchinji, Malawi.

"The farmers used the extra money which comes with fairtrade to build a desperately needed shelter for the friends and family of hospital patients. They travelled long distances to give support and nursing help but often had to sleep outdoors at the mercy of the elements.

"I was particularly struck by how positively the peanut farmers viewed the chance to get their nuts on to the fairtrade scheme and the real difference it seemed to be making to their lives."

The Bafta award-winning entertainer worked with Liberation, a new 100% fairtrade nut company supported by Comic Relief, on the product.

He became one of the first celebrities to endorse the fairtrade industry when he visited banana and coco farmers in Ghana in 2002.

Ceri Willmott, managing director of Liberation, said: "We are delighted to be working with Harry on this project which will be of tremendous benefit to farmers in Malawi and Nicaragua."

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