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Wednesday 17 September 2008

To Malawi with love print this article

For most people living in the western world a pair of socks, or a potato sack are just everyday items. But imagine being excited to receive the little things that most people take for granted everyday.

The Philadelphia Pentecostal Tabernacle in Lewisporte is on another mission to Malawi.

In 2005 they built the Lewisporte House that now houses nine orphans. The house is designed with both a House Mother who takes care of the children and an Auntie who takes care of the children and the house.

The children who live there are very lucky to have people caring for them, they are usually orphaned because their parents have died from disease. They receive medical, nutritional help and they get to attend school.

On this mission to Malawi Pastor Barry Pelley, Don Carter, Hayward Mesh, Charles Wheaton, Audrey Sheppard, Lawrence Sheppard, Dave Hutchings and Kim Hutchings will be lending a hand.

They are preparing themselves for the conditions that they may face.

"I don't know what to expect to see, I just want to help any way I can," said Mr. Hutchings.

The group will go to the Village of Hope were the Lewisporte House is located. They have a lot of events planned for the children.

"We will be having a party with games and food and also holding church services," said Ms. Sheppard. "We will also be going out into the villages where there are orphans and we will be giving out loop bags to everyone."

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