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Monday, 6 July 2009

Motorcycle for Africa trains to raise $ 100, 000 to aid Malawi healthcare workers

Motorcycle for Africa, the May 30 home friendly fundraiser to direct motorcycles and motorcycle ambulances to HIV/AIDS community healthcare workers in Nyasaland, maintained a short preliminary event Monday at Toronto Metropolis Hallway with a midday hr concert featuring Juno candidates Mister Something Something and Pumps, Pumps, Pumps.

`` For us cycling is an issue of diversion, transit and town planning, '' told Microphone Brcic, Executive, Bikes Without Mete. `` In other parts of the cosmos a motorcycle can intend the difference between life and expiry. ''

Supplying a cycle or cycle ambulance to community healthcare workers lets them to hit up to five times as many patients, attain remote communities with patient support and HIV/AIDS bar instruction, and make their work more efficiently and with greater impact.

The AIDS epidemic is responsible eight deceases every hr in Malawi.
Out of a population of closely 14 million, mostly one million people in Nyasaland were accepting HIV at the terminal of 2007. AIDS is the directing killer amongst grownups in Nyasaland and is a major factor out the state 's low life anticipation of merely 43 eld.

Motorcycles Without Borderlines, a Canadian organisation utilizing motorcycles and bike-related solutions as a tool for development in marginalized communities, desires to raise $ 100, 000 this Saturday to buy 400 new motorcycles and 100 bike ambulances that will aid community healthcare workers in Nyasaland to hit an judged 15, 000 extra people with lifesaving medicament, bar didactics and extra support services.

`` Healthcare workers will walk two years but to get to a clinic or three or four hrs to get to the following settlement, '' stated Brcic. `` If we can supply them with a motorcycle, we can do their work much more efficacious and aid them turn the tables on HIV/AIDS. ''

Enrolment opens at 11: 30 americium, followed by the event from 1: 00 necropsy to 3: 00 P.M. over on the Toronto Islands. Participants will either walk or sit their motorcycles from a `` clinic '' at Ward 's Island, to an African `` settlement '' at Hanlan 's Point.

`` For an afternoon, you 'll see the life of a Malawian HIV/AIDS community tending worker, '' told arrangers, `` conveying lifesaving medicine to remote communities and doing other labor, assisting to salve lives in a merriment, exciting fashion. ''

Organiser stated they hold several options for walking and cycling that are suited for nestlings of all ages, and will hold mountains of shavers ' amusement and merriment and games at the Hanlan 's Point Settlement at the decision of the bike/walk constituent of the event.

Upon completion of the bike/walk component of the event, all participants will convene at the Motorcycle for Africa Hanlan 's Point settlement for an afternoon of family-friendly merriment, including picnic dinner ( nutrient is included with the cost of your enrolment ) and local sets, conducted by Juno nominated Afro-funk circle Mr Something Something.

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