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Friday 18 July 2008


BECKY Dunphy is looking forward to an interesting and rewarding gap year when she heads off to Malawi next week.

The 16-year will teach English, maths and sports to orphaned children in a village within the Blantyre region.

Becky visited the area last year with members of the St Andrews Church youth group. She travels out on Tuesday, flying from Edinburgh with stops at Frankfurt and Johannesburg before the final leg to Malawi.

The trip is organised under the umbrella of the charity, Aquaid, and Becky has benefited from a number of grants by local companies which have paid for flights and essential malaria tablets.

Becky told the Herald: "I'm really looking forward to it although the thought of being away from my family for so long is quite scary.
"I've never been away from home for so long.
"However, what makes it a bit more comforting is spending time at the same village last year with my church.
"It means not everything will be new to me and many of the families and people I became friendly with last time are still there."

She continued: "I'll be teaching at a primary level but because many of the children have little time for school some of them can be up to 17-years of age.

"When teaching sport, I hope to take my interests of football and athletics and build on that."

The 16-year-old recently completed her fifth year at Arbroath High School and has applied for a physiotherapy course at university which she hopes to start on her return from Malawi in 2009.

It is planned that Becky's family and fellow church members will travel to visit and assist in the village during June of next year.

Becky will then return to Arbroath with her family at the end of July.

1 comment:

dum said...

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You can sign at

Thank you and excuse me.