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Thursday 18 September 2008

Malawi police intercept Ethiopian refugees

Malawi police in the central Dedza district bordering Mozambique on Thursday intercepted over 100 Ethiopian refugees who were on their way to South Africa, using Mozambique and eventually Zimbabwe as transit points, APA has learnt here.

Police spokesperson Franklin Gausi said the refugees fled from Dzaleka Refugee Camp, 150 km north of the district, during the weekend and were hiding in Linthipe Hills waiting to cross the borders using uncharted routes.

“We intercepted them after villagers tipped the police that strange people are hiding in the hills,” he said.

Gausi said the refugees were complaining that they fled the camp due to lack of proper shelter and inadequate food.

The refugees have since been sent back to Dzaleka camp to wait for proper repatriation.

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