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Thursday 18 September 2008




Sitting in the balcony of the Lilongwe Pentecostal church, suddenly I saw the first bus full of young people. These were not Malawians but Canadians! Looking up to the sky I said thank you Lord! A few minutes later the church was filled with these energetic young people with the passion to share about Christ. This was the beginning of the big Youth event called YC Malawi.

Dynamite exploded when these young Canadians were joined together with the local Malawians.9 amazing teams were formed each with at least 12 people. Their mission was simple, “to go where they will find people and reach out to them with the gospel of Christ. “ Market places, churches, orphanages, villages, prisons - they went everywhere to share the love of Christ with the people they met. Toys, soccer balls, music, drama - all were used to attract masses of young Malawians. Simple obedience to Christ's command to "Go and preach the Gospel to everyone" produced wonderful testimonies everyday!


“What is this? What are you building here? What international secular band is coming here?” These were some of the many questions that people were asking as the musical gear was being planted right at the heart of the silver stadium in the Warm Heart of Africa, Malawi. For sure, this was the first of its kind in the history of the Malawi nation. To the few that I disclosed that it was a Gospel crusade, they could not believe it until they saw it for themselves on Friday.

The fire of the Lord was ignited into the lives of those thousands of young people as the different bands took the stage: African Enterprise Foxfire band, Leeland, Canadian Worship Team band, Ethel Kamwendo, Papa San and many others. Malawi, the "Warm Heart of Africa" quickly became the hot heart of Africa! Looking over the crowd I saw drunkards, junkies and I saw families! I knew that God has started a new thing. It was a new day for this young nation of ours. The sick came as well as many street kids and orphans who were present in the stadium.

I stood up to sing, “if you believe and I believe and then together pray, the Holy Spirit will come down and Malawi will be saved.” Immediately I saw hope in the eyes where there was no hope. I saw the anxiety and fear going. And as we sang, “African Unite,” what a joy filled our hearts, am talking of the joy that brings new strength to achieve new things for the Lord. I new the youth of Lilongwe will never be the same.

In the middle of the Saturday afternoon program, I withdrew from the crowds and went right at the back of the stadium. Guess what I saw? I saw Malawi jumping. I saw Malawi smiling, singing and dancing in the midst of hunger, HIV/Aids and poverty. And then I saw Malawi going forward to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Hundreds of people came to the Lord each day! What an answer to prayer!

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